Posts Tagged "iOS"
References for Apple's Privacy Requirement for App Developers
Starting from May 1st, 2024, Apple introduced a new policy requiring all app developers to ensure that privacy manifests include the necessary reasons when using certain libraries and APIs. In this article, I summarized the relevant resources, hoping this can serve as a valuable reference for future if necessary.
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SwiftUI TextField - Focus Management Using @FocusState
FocusState is a property wrapper introduced in iOS 15 that helps developers easily track the focus status of text fields in apps.
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SwiftUI TextField - Basics and Common Modifiers
One of the essential components of any user interface is the text input field. In SwiftUI, this is handled by the TextField view. In this article, I will cover the basics of how to use TextField and introduce some common modifiers used with it.
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Using @AppStorage to Access UserDefaults in SwiftUI
Starting with iOS 14, Apple introduced the @AppStorage property wrapper in SwiftUI. Through @AppStorage, developer can store value in UserDefaults in a more seamless and easier way.
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